Chevron TM white paper examines safe work site establishment in London | Chevron Traffic Management Skip to main content
Chevron TM white paper examines safe work site establishment in London
Chevron TM white paper examines safe work site establishment in London
Published on 01 Feb 2024

A recent White Paper, published by Chevron TM, examines the establishment of work sites in London and makes a series of recommendations aimed at improving safety, promoting active travel and giving increased consideration to neurodiversity, accessibility, and place making across the Capital.


Keith Smith

The London Urban White Paper, written by Keith Smith, Chevron Group Chief Engineer gives a detailed review of the current situation and looks at how stakeholders across the construction industry could and should work together to challenge and change current legislation and regulations to raise standards and deliver consistency.

“It is estimated that there are approximately 400 live construction sites with over 4,000 live roadwork projects in London at any given time,” explains Keith, “but a combination of outdated legislation and guidance together with limited enforcement often leads to the poor design of temporary site establishments and puts construction companies and the public at risk.


“The industry needs to change and while I appreciate that a challenge like this can seem insurmountable, I believe that with strong collaboration across the industry practices can change and standards can improve. “I’ve quoted Einstein previously and the quote is equally applicable here… The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” At Chevron TM, we have 30 years’ experience of protecting motorists, pedestrians, and construction workers in urban areas with innovative and efficient traffic management services. We have experienced many challenges and recognise that construction site safety needs to improve. We’ve published our London Urban White Paper as a starting point for the industry and hope that it will be seen as the catalyst to the change the industry needs.”


Download a copy of the white paper  

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