At Chevron, we have an amazing team of 1,300 employees. Tuesday 8 March 2022 was International Women’s Day so we took the opportunity to mark the event by showcasing some of the great women at Chevron Traffic Management and the fantastic contribution they are making to our business and our success.
Chevron TM is currently recruiting for qualified and trainee Traffic Management Operatives across the UK. Click to view our current vacancies.
Lynn Grout-Radford, Traffic Management Operative

Lynn Grout-Radford is a TM operative based at our Retford depot and is a key member of our Events team. She joined us in April 2019 and has supported a number of key events including the prestigious Cazoo St Leger Festival and Rail Live.
As part of our event traffic management provision, Chevron TM works with the event organiser to design a traffic management plan which ensures participants and spectators are marshalled safely and that disruption to local communities and road users is minimised. Lynn is part of the team that sets up the traffic management for events, installing traffic lights, stop-go signs and putting out the relevant event signage. She also acts as a marshal when required.
For Lynn, the best part about her job is the diversity of the role as she “enjoys being outside meeting all kinds of people from event organisers, participants and members of the public.”
Lynn would love to see more women in traffic management and would encourage them to join Chevron TM and enjoy the same opportunities as their male counterparts.
Pratibha Kini, Group IT Director

Pratibha joined the Chevron Group in September 2020, at a time when the company was going through significant change. We had acquired a number of companies and had embarked on an integration programme to improve efficiencies and maximise synergies across the businesses.
Pratibha came onboard to lead the IT integration and change programme which impacted all areas of the business.
She describes her role as “an intermediary between the IT team and our group functions to bring technological systems and support to help them deliver on their business objectives.” This sounds simple but in reality, Pratibha manages all IT systems, implements change programmes and ensures that our business embraces technological change and innovation to put us in the best possible position to deliver for our customers. IT is central to the day-to-day operations of our business. Pratibha leads the team that ensures that it is fit for purpose.
She describes The Chevron Group as “a forward-thinking company that is open to embracing IT and business change initiatives to support continued growth and expansion. It values its employees and encourages them to make a difference in whatever area of the business they work in.”
Suzy Fenlon, Group Marketing Assistant

Suzy joined Chevron Traffic Management in August 2020 to support the integration and rebrand of a number of newly acquired businesses into the Chevron Group. From the outset, Suzy worked closely with the operations teams to identify branding requirements and operational challenges.
She quickly became the font of knowledge on all things branding from managing the rebrand of our IPV fleet to delivering new PPE and installing signage on the outside of buildings at our depots.
Following the completion of the rebrand and integration projects, Suzy has become a key member of the Marketing and Communications Team, managing events, collating content for our social media platforms and supporting our depots and wider businesses in the Group.
“Gender is never an issue at Chevron Traffic Management. If you are capable, hard-working and good at your job, you will progress but for me what is really important is the family ethos that exists in the business. Chevron Traffic Management has an amazing attitude to work-life balance so as a working mum, I’m safe in the knowledge that my family is as important to the business as they are to me.”
“There are some fantastic opportunities within the Chevron Group and would absolutely encourage
anyone to join our amazing team.”
Maria King-Smith, Group Health & Safety Manager

Maria is our Group Health & Safety Manager and with “Safety is our Business” as one of our core values, it is quite the responsibility.
With over 25 years’ experience in traffic management and construction, Maria works across our businesses to ensure H&S is a top priority.
“As the Group Health & Safety Manager, my role is about providing everyone with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to ensure they are working safely. This year we had the added impact of COVID-19 which added an extra layer of concern, but our teams adapted to the changing world fantastically well and continued to deliver our services without interruption."
"We have a fantastic team of people at Chevron who work hard to deliver safety at work. Health and safety depends on individual employees. We are all responsible for our actions and how we behave…we are all in this together. I am so proud that we have recorded almost 10 million hours RIDDOR-free which is exceptional."
"By the nature of our industry, our workforce is predominantly men, but we have many fantastic women working in Chevron. We have come a long way in 25 years and there are undoubtedly more women working in our industry. For me, it’s not about being a man or a woman. It’s about doing what you want to do and achieving what you want to achieve. It’s about being happy, having pride in your work and doing your job to the best of your ability. Chevron supports its employees to do just that with training, mentoring and support to develop long-term careers. This is what makes it such a great place to work.”
Catherine Tulloch, Co-Managing Director, Class One Traffic Management

Catherine entered the male-dominated world of traffic management 30 years ago. Since then, she has helped build and lead our sister company, Class One Traffic Management, which is now regarded as Scotland’s leading traffic management company, employing 150 people and was recently acquired by the Chevron Group.
She holds the honour of being the first woman in Scotland to attain a Traffic Management qualification which authorised her to work on the Scottish roads network and which opened the doors for many women who have followed in her footsteps. There is no doubt, Catherine has been a trailblazer for women in our industry. Thirty years ago, it was almost unheard of for women to work in traffic management. Now we have more women working in our industry which is thanks to the likes of Catherine.
As Co-Managing Director for Class One, Catherine has played key roles in some of Scotland’s major infrastructure projects including the M74 upgrade and the Queensferry Crossing improvement. Class One were the only TM contractor to support Phase 1 of the Edinburgh tram project from inception to completion. Additionally, Catherine has overseen a number of global events which have taken place in Scotland including the 2012 Olympic Games and the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
To ensure that all employees are the best in the business and have opportunities to progress through the company, Catherine has led the charge to establish an in-house LANTRA-approved training centre to support men and women who come to work for Class One.