Emotional health
Emotional health is an important part of overall health. People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Good emotional health and management is shown to improve a person’s ability to cope with life's challenges, helping to keep problems in perspective and enabling a ‘bounce back’ from setbacks.

Anxiety is a normal common response to any situation where we feel stressed, fearful or uncomfortable. It is when anxiety takes over our life and worrying becomes out of control that help is needed.

Coping with change
Try our top tips to help you better manage the uncertainty of change.

Did you know that laughter is actually good for your health?
We all enjoy a good laugh but did you know that smiling and laughter have actually been proven to have health benefits too?

Understanding panic attacks
Anxiety is the feeling of fear we get when faced with threatening or difficult situations. Anxiety is normal and can help us to avoid danger. It makes us more alert and gives us the energy to deal with problems. But, if the anxiety is too strong or is there all the time, it can be a real problem.

Depression is a very common psychological condition which is quite different from feeling sad or unhappy. Unhappiness, especially when caused by a particular event in life, will pass in due course. In depression feelings of sadness last much longer and can be so severe that they will significantly interfere with normal everyday life.